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Book an individual Mindful Living Coaching session to discuss how to bring mindfulness into your day. You will be offered a questionnaire before the session to discover what you would like to focus on, where you would like to be and what methods you would like to develop.
During the coaching session you will be offered some helpful advice on building mindfulness into your day, transforming your mindset and bringing yourself more kindness, so that you can enjoy living more mindfully.
I offer guidance through a step-by-step process to help you discover the answers right there within you. Using coaching skills to help you find the solution inside that leads you to reach your full potential.
As we go through this process I hope to help you gain an understanding of yourself and help you develop new skills that leads you towards better health and wellbeing and to uncover the practices that you feel you need the most at this time.
I will share some useful methods and guide you to develop your own personal practice, so that you can make positive changes in your life.
£55 for an individual session £150 for 3 sessions plus additional support
See Mindful Living Coaching Support to discover the extra support given when booking 3 Coaching sessions.
Please email Anne at to book your online or in person Coaching session.